Sunday, May 8, 2011

GIMP - Dust Demon Signature

Final Preview:
Quote:[Image: DustDemon.png]

The Background:

Quote:1) Create a new document 450x150 pixels

2) Filter >> Render >> Clouds >> Difference Clouds
We are looking for some contrast, one way to create some right off the bat is by checking the "Turbulent" box. Play around with the X and Y sliders to properly scale the clouds. Check the "Randomize" box. Hit OK
[Image: 2.png]

3) You will see a similar result:
[Image: 3-1.png]
However we are looking for more black, so let's invert the colors by going Colors >> Invert
[Image: 5.png]

4) Select the Smudge Tool [Image: smudgetool.png] and make sure you check all Brush Dynamics and most importantly the "Apply Jitter" check box:
[Image: 6.png]
Start smudging the clouds with an abstract brush such as the Glaxy, Big brush:
[Image: 7.png]
Notice how the jitter creates some nice hard and abstract edges.

Creating Flow:

Quote:5) Create a new layer [Image: newlayer.png] and select the brush tool [Image: brushtool.png]. Use a regular round brush [Image: brush.png] and paint white stripes in one dirrection:
[Image: 8.png]

6) use the Smudge Tool[Image: smudgetool.png] with the Galaxy, Big brush again to blend these lines in:
[Image: 9.png]
And now repeat this step with paralleling plack lines:
[Image: 11.png]
Bringing In The Render:

Quote:7) Insert your render into a new layer and position it using the Move Tool [Image: Movetool.png] and scale it appropriately [Image: scaletool.png]:
[Image: 12.png]
If your image has a background (like mine) remove it using a round soft eraser tool[Image: erasertool.png]:
[Image: 13.png]
Blending In Your Image:

Quote:8) Before you continue it's important that you make your render layer the same size as your image by going Layer >> Layer to Image Size

9) optional: go Image >> Mode >> Greyscale to keep the entire image in black&white. Color is usually the last step to worry about.

10) Highlight your Render layer and duplicate it [Image: duplicate.png] then hide the duplicates by clicking on the eye:
[Image: 16.png]

11) Use the smudge tool[Image: smudgetool.png] with the setting you've been using all along to smudge the viable layer in the direction of your flow:
[Image: 17.png]

12) Click to create a new layer [Image: newlayer.png] and use the brush tool [Image: brushtool.png] to create new flow lines near your render:
[Image: 18.png]
Use your Smudge Tool [Image: smudgetool.png] again to blend these in:
[Image: 19.png]
Light Source And Lighting:

Quote:13) Create a new layer and select your brush tool [Image: brushtool.png] and choose a very large soft brush. Set your color to white.
[Image: 21.png]
click to create an appropriate light source. You may leave blending mode on normal or change it to screen, lighten, etc,.

14) Bring a new duplicate of your render to the top but make sure that it's under step 12's layer:
[Image: 24.png]

Drop the opacity of this layer to around 50%
[Image: 23.png]


Quote:15) Create a new layer [Image: newlayer.png] and select the gradient tool [Image: gradienttool.png] then select the following gradient:
[Image: 26.png]

16) Drag from left to right to apply the gradient to the new layer
[Image: 27.png]
Set the blending option to overlay and drop the opacity down to around 75%

Congratulations, you've completed the tutorial Smile

[Image: DustDemon.png]

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